Applus+ GPSi is a mobile high-frequency GPS-based solution to verify taximeters.
The device can be used on any route and is constantly checking the quality of the measured signal to ensure maximum accuracy.


The device is highly accurate and fully calibrated with traceability to international standards by a widely accepted entity (ENAC).

Thanks to the advanced GPS signal treatment, the slope of the road is irrelevant.

The measurement is independent from the vehicle so tyre pressure or wear does not affect the readings.

Separate measurements and deviations can be obtained for time and distance deviation control.

The software allows for a simple test process. The device calculates the control points to allow a “single push” control.

Being portable and small it can be used to perform covert  checks to verify a taxi fleet meter accuracy

A highly sensitive exterior aerial ensures an all-weather high performance.

The system can automatically generate a PDF test report.